Changed training times due to construction work in the sports hall on Güntzelstr.

Updated 15.04.2024]
Due to urgent­ly nee­ded con­struc­tion work, our sports hall on Günt­zel­stra­ße is unfor­tu­n­a­te­ly no lon­ger avail­ab­le. The fol­lowing chan­ged trai­ning times in the alter­na­ti­ve halls will app­ly for the next few weeks:

Für Erwachsene:


Mon­day19:00 — 22:00EZ‑afree play
Tues­day19:00 — 21:30SYTrai­ning for LK1 and tour­na­ment playersTho­mas Born
19:00 — 22:00EZ‑oFree play for all
Wed­nes­day19:00 — 22:00EZ‑aFree play for all
Thurs­day19:00 — 21:30EZ‑oTrai­ning for team playersMax Por­té
Fri­day19:30 — 22:00NDTrai­ning LK3Tho­mas Born
19:00 — 22:00SCFree play for all
Day Time Place Trai­ning (Group) Mon­day 19:00 — 22:00 EZ‑a Free play, everyone Mon­day 19:00 — 22:00 KW Trai­ning LK3 Tues­day 19:00 — 22:00 EZ‑o Free play, everyone Tues­day 19:00 — 21:30 SY Trai­ning for LK1 and Com­pe­ti­ti­on-Level players Wed­nes­day 19:00 — 22:00 EZ‑a+u Free paly, everyone Wed­nes­day 20:30 — 22:00 EZ‑o Free play, everyone Wed­nes­day 19:00 — 22:00 KW Free play, everyone Thurs­day 19:00 — 21:30 KW Trai­ning LK2 Fri­day 19:00 — 21:30 KW Free play, everyone


For kids & teens

Day Time Place Trai­ning (Group) Trai­ner
Mon­day 16:30 — 19:00 KW Com­pe­ti­ti­on-Level players Sara
Tues­day 16:30 — 19:00 EZ‑o U17 + U19 and Com­pe­ti­ti­on-Level players Sara
Wed­nes­day 16:30 — 19:00 KW U15 — U19 Kim and Thomas
Thurs­day 16:30 — 19:00 KW U9 — U15 Mar­ty­na
Fri­day 16:30 — 19:00 Uhr EZ‑o U9 — U15 Kim and Thomas
Fri­day 16:30 — 19:00 Uhr KW U17 + U19 and Com­pe­ti­ti­on-Level players Sara


KW = Kurt-Weiß-Sport­hal­le, Fran­zens­ba­der Str. 16
SY = Sport­hal­le Sybel­str. (Ein­gang Ger­vi­nus­str. 14)
EZ‑a = Sport­hal­le Eisen­zahn­str. 47/48, alte Hal­le unten
EZ‑u = Sport­hal­le Eisen­zahn­str. 47/48, neue Hal­le unten
EZ‑o = Sport­hal­le Eisen­zahn­str. 47/48, neue Hal­le oben

The KW hall can be reached by buses 110 and M29 (from Kur­fürs­ten­damm, Ade­nau­er­platz, Halen­see etc.) and 249 (from Güntzelstr./Uhlandstr., short walk to the hall).

Age groups

U9-U15 = born 2010 and youn­ger (2010–2017)
U15-U19 = born 2011 and older (2006–2011)
U17 = born 2008/2009
U19 = born 2006/2007

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Berlin-Brandenburg Individual Championship 2023

The Ber­lin-Bran­den­burg indi­vi­du­al cham­pions­hips (019) were held on the 1st wee­kend in Decem­ber with nume­rous par­ti­ci­pants in all 3 disci­pli­nes, inclu­ding our club. It was nice to see both fami­li­ar faces and new mem­bers taking part and giving it their all. In par­ti­cu­lar, we would like to congra­tu­la­te Var­sha Ven­ki­tesh and Parthan Dileep­kumar Vali­ya­purak­kal on achie­ving, in some cases, even mul­ti­ple pla­cings wit­hin the top 3 among all par­ti­ci­pants in their respec­ti­ve disci­pli­ne! Congra­tu­la­ti­ons to both of you for a well-deser­ved 3rd place at the Ber­lin O19 Cham­pions­hips in the mixed discipline!
BBEM 2023 MXD - Varsha Venkitesh and Parthan Dileepkumar Valiyapurakkal

BBEM 2023 MXD — Var­sha Ven­ki­tesh and Parthan Dileep­kumar Vali­ya­purak­kal, 3rd placement

BBEM 2023 WS - Varsha Venkitesh, 1st placement

BBEM 2023 WS — Var­sha Ven­ki­tesh, 1st placement

Spe­cial men­ti­ons should also be made of Var­sha with a 1st place in the women’s sin­gles without losing a sin­gle set in any of her matches! Congra­tu­la­ti­ons on this remar­kab­le per­for­mance, we will look for­ward to see­ing more of your flaw­less style of badminton!