Training (🇬🇧)

Trai­ning times

ATTENTION: Due to the clo­sure of our main hall on Günt­zel­straβe, trai­ning times are cur­r­ent­ly dif­fe­rent. See them here.
You are requi­red to regis­ter for every trai­ning ses­si­on through our boo­king sys­tem. Mem­bers who haven’t yet recei­ved account details or have questions/problems, plea­se get in touch with the com­mit­tee. No regis­tra­ti­on is necessa­ry for free play.


Trai­ning groups for kids and teen­agers (U9 — U19)

The grou­ping of kids and teen­agers is made and com­mu­ni­ca­ted by the coa­ches. They will be hap­py to help you with any ques­ti­ons or uncertainties.


Adult trai­ning groups (O19)

LK1 is for team play­ers from the Lan­des­li­ga upwards, LK2 for team play­ers in the A‑Klasse and below, and LK3 for remai­ning non-team play­ers and new members.